Wednesday, March 30, 2011

it's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's summertime

I know I like to say I'm a runner, even though I'm probably one too many potato chips removed from that one (ask my ass..) But, I anyways signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon. First marathon. Home court advantage. 6 months to train. Pretty excited, to say the least. I think I first wanted to run a marathon when I was.. young. I was going to make up an age for emphasis, but I'm pretty sure I didn't understand the concept until about 6th grade (late bloomer, yes.) So whatever, still. It feels like forever ago. The days that I cherished my subscription to Runner's World. I woke up at the crack of dawn to get a few miles in before trotting off to my silly little high school classes. I spent nights lying awake nervous for the next day's (or next week's) race. I wandered around school's tracks with acid burning my stomach, talking and thinking for hours about nothing but those cursed two miles in which I would fight my body's limits, ruining myself mentally for eight laps. I never thought anything for the rest of my life would cause such a mental beating as I survived for those six years. (Then I came here and experienced things like Chemistry and Physics and Organic and Biology and Physiology... but that's besides the point). I sort of miss beating myself up about something else besides how average I am at school. This sounds mentally disordered (which it very well may be) but it is just my personality and I accept and culture it. I've been running pretty well lately (since it's so warm! and not dark when I get home! YAY), but inevitably I will get overwhelmed with classes and take a week hiatus. But this summer I will hopefully post about my training.. I tend to blog in my head when I run. Like, I try to philosiphy, and people watch, and.. just think-blog. So be prepared for that.. Another exciting summer development: I've been trying to get me and Peter into a mixed doubles tennis league for the summer. Ha, should be.. uhhhh interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Ok this may just be me... BUT sometimes I feel like there is LITERALLY no way that I have time to run unless I sacrifice something school related. However, usually if I run I am not only 99% happier, I almost am 100% more productive on school work. Also, if you run for at least 45 min you get to reap that happy endorphin benefits and at least make that up with 45 minutes of productiveness. That's just my take on the sit.
