Monday, March 28, 2011

10 Ways I Break the Rules

A blog I read did this, and I thought it was cute. She says: Everywhere we look, there are rules and guidelines on how we should live our lives. Eat this, not that. Get 8 hours of sleep, never eat after 7:00 and floss daily. Some of these rules are beneficial, I'm sure, but I'm sick of being told what to do. So, here are my ten ways I break the rules, read with caution! Likely you'll think of me differently, judge me probably, but I'm willing to take the risk. 1. I stay up all night. I know, I know. Cramming = bad. But it happens every time. And you know, when I get to the point, it is just what I need to do. 2. I don't eat breakfast. Yea yea, it is the essential start to the day, most important meal of the day, blah blah blah.. sleep is my essential start to the day. 3. I listen to my iPod.. LOUD! I know, I'm going to go deaf. I know it's fucking annoying sitting on the bus next to me (believe me, I know).. I just don't care. 4. I don't wash my coffee mugs. Oh come on, bacteria is good for you.. I rinse them every now and then.... 5. I dance in front of the bathroom mirror when no one's watching. But only on days that it boosts my confidence. Because there are plenty of days that will do the opposite. Yea, I'm shallow and vain. 6. I buy coffee. Yea, it's a rip off. Yea, it probably costs them a penny to make and they charge me two dollars for it. Technically I do also make it at home, but when you have an addiction to my extent, you have to feed it. Multiple times a day. 7. I give money to the beggars. So maybe they're going to go buy alcohol. Drugs. Whatever. I mean, I can understand that. If they ask, and I'm carrying, it's theirs. No questions asked. 8. I am anti-marriage. And I don't think it's the American dream. And I don't think it ever works. And no, I don't have any experience. And yes, I probably am too young to have this opinion. But if someone asked me for advice (obviously they wouldn't) as to whether or not they should get married: I'd say no. 9. I watch Bad Girls Club. Absolutely the epitome of bad, American trash TV. 10. I don't cry. I think you're supposed to get your emotions out that way.. but it just isn't for me.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to 4&9 and now I'm scared because I didn't classify those as bad.
