Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wake up naked drinking coffee making plans to change the world

I've identified a handicap that I very much need to overcome--sleep. I have just found that it is holding me back in every way. I need more hours in a day, serious. I seem to behind in absolutely every class, all the time. If I could only adapt myself to get over having to sleep, I would gain so much time! I'd even gain ground on free time--which I currently have none of. I mean, I probably wouldn't gain much in this category (pretty sure if I could utilize all 24 hours in every day I might still be behind..), but it would be something. I wouldn't feel guilty going out Once in awhile.

So I'm working on this adaptation. Last week I probably averaged about 4 hours per night (taking into account I stayed up All night two nights..) But then I just crashed on Friday night and slept for 11 straight hours.. yikes. But I think I've done about 5 hours Saturday, 6 Sunday, 4 Monday, and 2 Tuesday. I think I'm crashing right about now though. I've had 40oz of coffee today and I still feel miserable. I'm debating getting more now..I am so ridiculously unhealthy these past few weeks. WHEN I justify taking time to run, I can barely go a few miles before a break. WHEN I decide to feed myself, it's usually oatmeal (because I always keep it on hand for oatmeal-related emergencies) or whatever I can buy around town. Because I don't have time to grocery shop. Although my enormous container of oatmeal is starting to run low.. what will I do?? Likely starve.

Should I go get more coffee now? I probably have already speant too much money today (both coffees were boughten..) I should have some sort of rule that limits me buying more than 2 cups per day? It is so cheap to make it at home and so expensive to buy.. so why??? Laziness.

Coffee becomes one of my biggest obstacles in not sleeping, but not because of the price. My teeth! They are very clearly getting stained and something else a little disturbing? They ache. Like all day long, it feels like they are wearing away. Which they probably are. Maybe I could just carry a toothbrush and toothbrush around with me, but I just don't think its a good solution--brushing my teeth gives me somewhat of the same wearing away sensation. I think I need like special toothpaste.

I anyways have a pre-med club thing to go to now and then a lab report to write. So I better go get more coffee.

Say a prayer for my poor teeth..

1 comment:

  1. Rachael... I'm worried about your teeth. GO GROCERY SHOPPING AND SLEEP!!! you are wasting away... probablly bc you haven't seen me.
