Friday, May 7, 2010

get wasted on anything that's right.


9:30. Fuck.

Has my alarm been going off for 2 1/2 hours? It's likely.

Scarf down breakfast. Don't shower. Pack Chemistry book.

Miss the bus. It's raining.

Ten minutes late for class. Important final-review class.

I can't sit still. My Special K is heavy in my stomach, I need to throw up. I can't concentrate. I draw a lightning bolt on my hand. I don't know why. I listen to my heart beat instead of the teacher. My eyes are burning. I need to throw up. My heart is beating. so. slowly. I take my pulse--50 bpm. This? Can't be normal. I watch the clock. It doesn't move. My heart doesn't either. What if I die in Art History class? That would suck. My heart might stop. It is headed in that direction leastways.

She continues to talk past the hour. Really? I can't handle this.

Finally, I jump from my seat and run to my savior. Yes. Run. Did I forget my iPod? I don't care.

I pour coffee into me.

I wonder, is this the same as drugs? Probably drugs would be healthier.


  1. Rachael grundman. this scares me.

  2. love you girl =) tahaha oh and I like your most recent post.. I cried a bit. Because I love you not because I'm sad..well duh. Ha anyways..
